Bring Them Home Now !
BIFA-Budapest International Foto Awards 2023 Gold Winner in Editorial /Political
TIFA- Tokyo International Foto Awards 2023 Bronze Winner in Editorial /Political
LICC- London International Creative Competition 2023 Official Selection in SHOOT (Photo/Video)
On October 7th the terrorist organization Hamas committed the most horrific crimes known to humanity- thousands of innocent civilians were hunted, tortured, raped, burned and murdered. Over 240 people- men and women, old and young, children, toddlers, babies- were kidnapped into Gaza. 7 days after these horrific events, families of the kidnapped and civilians gathered for the first time since the massacre. They built a tent outside HaKirya, IDF headquarters, to pray, to grieve, to plead with their government to bring their families home. I share my view from the ground in the face of unimaginable grief.